Grey Unpaper Towel Rolls - Earth Warrior Lifestyle

Grey Unpaper Towel Rolls - Earth Warrior Lifestyle

Regular price $49.99

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only 1 left in stock

5 pack Unpaper Towels

Roughly 11" x 11" in size

Made from: 100% Organic Bamboo Terry Cloth - white in colour (This is the bottom of the cloth and holds the most absorption.)

100% Cotton (the top decorative layer. The cotton is sourced from large cotton scraps, and roll ends from local makers who no longer have use for the fabrics.)

Our Unpaper towels are the perfect replacement for those rolls of paper towels we tend to use an abundance of. They absorb more than your regular paper towel, and can be used for all the same scenarios as a paper towel. Washing windows, cleaning up spilt messes, cleaning children's hands and faces after a messy meal, soaking up extra water off of washed veggies and more.

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