Winston is enamoured with words, reading, and expanding his vast vocabulary, which often leaves his parents scratching their heads and struggling to keep up. When Winston gets to school, he is well ahead of his time and his wondrous word wisdom deeply irritates one of his classmates. Will Winston’s love for words be squashed after this devastating encounter? Or will he proudly persist in embracing his new “Word Nerd” title?
Kristin Pierce is an award-winning children’s author and the founder of Inner Compass Books where she has made it her mission to create mindfully-crafted books with empowering learning messages. Kristin is a self-awareness educator whose mission is to empower others to deconstruct the self-limiting beliefs that are keeping them small and stuck in order to rise to their potential, come alive, and impact the world.
Load image into Gallery viewer, Winston is enamoured with words, reading, and expanding his vast vocabulary, which often leaves his parents scratching their heads and struggling to keep up. When Winston gets to school, he is well ahead of his time and his wondrous word wisdom deeply irritates one of his classmates. Will Winston’s love for words be squashed after this devastating encounter? Or will he proudly persist in embracing his new “Word Nerd” title?
Load image into Gallery viewer, Kristin Pierce is an award-winning children’s author and the founder of Inner Compass Books where she has made it her mission to create mindfully-crafted books with empowering learning messages. Kristin is a self-awareness educator whose mission is to empower others to deconstruct the self-limiting beliefs that are keeping them small and stuck in order to rise to their potential, come alive, and impact the world.

The Word Nerd - Inner Compass Books

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Winston is enamoured with words, reading, and expanding his vast vocabulary, which often leaves his parents scratching their heads and struggling to keep up. When Winston gets to school, he is well ahead of his time and his wondrous word wisdom deeply irritates one of his classmates. Will Winston’s love for words be squashed after this devastating encounter? Or will he proudly persist in embracing his new “Word Nerd” title?

A rhyming story of kindness, empathy, and staying true to yourself, The Word Nerd will build vocabulary and compassion while showing readers that words have power and that lending a helping hand can truly move mountains. 

Dotted with figures of speech and an abundance of captivating words, this book will get your neurons firing and will have every member of the family excited about joyfully expanding their vocabularies.

Why The Word Nerd Matters

Books open a door in our minds. This book is meant to do just that.

The Word Nerd fuels a love of learning while building vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. But not only that, it also teaches readers about the power of their words, of staying true to themselves (no matter what anyone else says), and of extending kindness to others, even in difficult circumstances. Showcasing self-awareness and empathy, The Word Nerd reminds readers how we all have different skills and talents, which provides the perfect opportunity to build each other up.

This book is bursting with an abundance of juicy, captivating words while still delivering wholesome messages for young minds. The Word Nerd will get the neurons firing as readers are joyfully converted into word nerds! 

The perfect addition to the elementary classroom, The Word Nerd is loaded with learning resources. In the back of the book, you will find a list of definitions, reflection questions, and figures of speech guide. Teachers and homeschooling parents will love our online learning resource packed with word searches, vocabulary activities, matching and fill-in-the-blank worksheets, colouring page printable activities, and a full learning resource to utilize in the classroom. 

The Word Nerd is packed full of fun, advanced vocabulary words, empowering messages, and incredible layers of learning opportunities.  

What kids can learn from this powerful picture book:

  • Parents can learn a lot from their kids

  • Being mindful of the power of words + tone of voice

  • The importance of kindness and empathy

  • Mistakes are for learning (Growth mindset)

  • The importance of following their passion and curiosity, even if it goes against the grain

  • That vocabulary can be a lot of fun

  • The word "nerd" doesn't have to be a bad thing

  • The power of staying true to oneself and following one's inner compass.

Who is this book for?

The Word Nerd is for book lovers and word nerds of all ages! This book is filled with over 150 unique words to help grow young vocabularies, while visually entertaining the reader and relaying potent messages about the power of our words and the importance of kindness. The Word Nerd has advanced vocabulary that is meant to stretch young minds in a fun and engaging way.

This book is the perfect conversation starter for educating kids on the power of words and the importance of kindness. Teachers, parents, homeschoolers,  grandparents, and more will spark a love of language and kindness within the hearts of the children in their lives as they read this book. And that is something worth sharing.

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