lubricating and soothing Shave Oil is perfect for use on it's own, or as a pre-treatment oil when used in conjunction with your favorite Salty Dog Beard Company Classic Shave Soap. The combination of oils provides lubrication so your razor glides over the skin providing a close, comfortable shave. Great for use with clippers when trimming and detailing!

Shave Oil - Salty Dog Beard Company

Regular price $29.00

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only 2 left in stock

Our lubricating and soothing Shave Oil is perfect for use on it's own, or as a pre-treatment oil when used in conjunction with your favorite Salty Dog Beard Company Classic Shave Soap. The combination of oils provides lubrication so your razor glides over the skin providing a close, comfortable shave. Great for use with clippers when trimming and detailing! The addition of St Johns Wort, Callendula, Hemp Seed, and Macadamia Nut Oils soothe, protect, and repair the skin from the rigours of shaving. Our Shave Oil is scent-matched to our Classic Shave Soaps.

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