In "The Best ME I Can Be "Sharing"", Ayzlin learns that some things are special, and are okay to not share. Just like her favorite doll, and just like Mommy’s necklace.  Avoid conflicts and tears by helping children practice turn taking.  Understanding the difference between sharing toys and special toys can make a big difference!

Sharing - Rose Angebrandt

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Should kids have to share everything?

Ayzlin learns that some things are special, and are okay to not share. Just like her favorite doll, and just like Mommy’s necklace.

Avoid conflicts and tears by helping children practice turn taking.

Understanding the difference between sharing toys and special toys can make a big difference!

Fairness and compromise are important (but often difficult!) lessons when you’re growing up. Encourage the lessons while also making it okay to keep precious things to yourself.

Help the kids you know learn a life skill - sharing - today!

Sharing is the first book in the The Best ME That I Can Be series of Books by Rose Angebrandt
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