Wheat bags for microwave or cool in the freezer for sore muscles, inflammation, swelling or just temperature control. They last years. Triple stitched to prevent leaking and pockets for even distribution.

Rectangle Wheat Bags - Cozy Home Sewing

Regular price $20.00

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only 2 left in stock

Wheat bags for microwave or cool in the freezer for sore muscles, inflammation, swelling or just temperature control. They last years. Triple stitched to prevent leaking and pockets for even distribution. The covers are not removable. Please consult a health care professional before hot or cold therapy. Made with cotton flannel except the eye pads that are quilting cotton.

INSTRUCTIONS ARE INCLUDED. Sizes may vary to a small degree.

Small Rectangle 16 x 5" Weight: 13 oz Good for specific areas: Neck, abdomen, knee, shoulder. 8 pockets. Great for traveling.

Medium Rectangle 17 x 8" Weight: 1.2 lbs Good for specific areas: Neck, abdomen, knee, shoulder. 8 pockets.

Large Rectangle 11 x 16" Weight 3.2 lbs Really great for large areas. Lay on it or warm your feet at bedtime! 16 pockets.

*We carry a variety of these at all locations - come in to choose your pattern or purchase online and we will choose for you from designs we currently have in stock.

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