The Best ME That I can Be Honesty Follow Ayzlin as she has to decide what to do when she makes a mistake - Tell a LIE or tell the TRUTH?  The truth has consequences, but so does a lie... It isn't always easy to be honest, and it can even take bravery.  What will Ayzlin do?

Honesty - Rose Angebrandt

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Help your children learn the value of being honest.

Teaching HONESTY to a child can be difficult for Parents.

Telling the TRUTH can sometimes be hard but is telling a lie any easier?

Parents want their children to learn that it's better to tell the truth - and take responsibility - than it is to lie.

Follow Ayzlin as she has to decide what to do when she makes a mistake - Tell a LIE or tell the TRUTH?

The truth has consequences, but so does a lie... It isn't always easy to be honest, and it can even take bravery.

What will Ayzlin do?

Honesty is the second book in the The Best ME That I Can Be series of Books by Rose Angebrandt
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