Massage & lotion body bar is worked in dry hands like a bar of soap, where a thin layer of lotion melts which can be applied and massaged into skin. Works great as an all over head to toe body lotion.

Essential Oil Blended Body Lotion Massage Bars - CCBee's Natural Products

Regular price $14.00

Unit price per 


only 1 left in stock

Massage & lotion body bar is worked in dry hands like a bar of soap, where a thin layer of lotion melts which can be applied and massaged into skin. Works great as an all over head to toe body lotion.

​Handcrafted with organic, fair trade shea butter, organic coconut oil, sweet almond/organic jojoba/or organic sunflower oils, Albertan beeswax, organic therapeutic grade essential oils

Each bar weighs approximately 2.5oz and comes in a reusable metal tin.

Great for gifts

Choose from:

Anti Stress: sweet orange, lavender, bergamot, bitter orange, tangerine, lime, and thyme

Zen Meditation- sweet orange, spruce, cedarwood, and frankincense

Sensual- sweet orange, lavender, lemongrass, ylang-ylang, and geranium

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