Pack of three 250g jars of honey. This combo of sweet iced honey, savoury smoked honey, and classic raw honey is the perfect gift for an cooking enthusiast.

Trio Honey Box - Beaver Creek Honey

Regular price $32.00

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A new trio of goodness curated just for you! It includes 3 jars of our amazing honey in a gift box.

Smoked Honey- we cold smoke this honey in small batches to get it smoked to perfection! This honey is perfect on grilled meat and veggies, as a base for a marinade, sauce, or vinaigrette. Once you add it to your charcuterie board you will never be able to be without it!

Iced Honey- This honey is transformed by extreme cold and we put it through a creaming process in that state. The result is a silky smooth spreadable honey. Perfect for spreading on things, like toast!

Raw Honey- Our raw honey is as natural as can be. Right from our hives, filtered and bottled.
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