Proven formula, with many long-term clients over the last 6 years. Ideal for any gender or age. Aluminum-free, made with certified organic ingredients including cocoa butter, coconut oil, arrowroot, and sodium bicarbonate, pure essential tea tree, and other essential oils, and beeswax.

Organic Deodorant - CCBee's Natural Products

Regular price $12.75

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only 3 left in stock

Proven formula, with many long-term clients over the last 6 years. Ideal for any gender or age. Aluminum-free, made with certified organic ingredients including cocoa butter, coconut oil, arrowroot, and sodium bicarbonate, pure essential tea tree, and other essential oils, and beeswax.

Choose from lavender, cedarwood, sweet orange, lemongrass, and natural essential oil scents

3oz biodegradable push-up tube format

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