Middleton's Bitters Rhubarb bitters pairs nicely with other vodka and gin or make a nice addition to many baked goods.

Rhubarb / Cocktail Bitters - Middleton's Bitters

Regular price $12.00

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only 3 left in stock

Rhubarb bitters add an earthy yet sweet flavour profile to your next Moscow Mule. The bite that you get from the ginger in a classic mule is softened when using these Bitters. Pairing nicely with other vodka and gin cocktails it will ignite your creativity, you can even add it to your rhubarb pie.


Cocktail Idea: Rhubarb Moscow Mule

1.5 oz Vodka
1-2 Dashes Middleton's Rhubarb Bitters *
Top with ginger beer
Lime wedge

Mix all ingredients in a copper mug over ice and finish with a squeeze of Lime.

*1 dash = 1/2 dropper

Contains: Vodka, rhubarb fruit & root, angelica root, grapefruit zest, and cardamom

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