Our Beard Wash is the perfect way to cleanse those precious threads emanating from your face follicles. We start with our Coconut/Olive Oil liquid base soap and then add Coconut Milk, Castor & Sunflower Oils, Green Tea, Apple Cider Vinegar, and an essential oil blend to nourish the hair. This wash works great and leaves you smelling awesome.

Beard Wash - Salty Dog Beard Company

Regular price $15.00

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Our Beard Wash is the perfect way to cleanse those precious threads emanating from your face follicles. We start with our Coconut/Olive Oil liquid base soap and then add Coconut Milk, Castor & Sunflower Oils, Green Tea, Apple Cider Vinegar, and an essential oil blend to nourish the hair. This wash works great and leaves you smelling awesome. A must for any discerning beardsmen's arsenal.

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