Sized A2, 4.25 x 5.5 inches folded card has a cute llama illustrated on the front beside a flag that says "Happy Birthday". The card comes with a matching Kraft Envelope

Happy Birthday (Llama) Card - IM Paper

Regular price $5.50

Unit price per 

A punny, funny greeting card with a cute llama that also gives back to support causes around the world. A unique and fun way to say “Happy Birthday”!

  • Give a card that gives: every card purchased donates to a cause (meals for hunger relief, vaccines for diseases, tree planting & more!)
  • Sized A2, 4.25 x 5.5 inches folded and comes with a matching Kraft Envelope
  • Superior High Definition printing
  • All cards are blank inside
  • Uncoated interior provides a superior writing surface
  • Card packaged in a protective clear cellophane sleeve


"Cute card – looks exactly like the photo and is good quality, nice and sturdy."

"I am so happy with the creativeness and quality of the card!"

This card will provide 15 water purification tablets

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