Dandelion Root Tincture,  can help support healthy liver function, improve immune system, aid kidney function, build and purify the blood

Dandelion Root Tincture - Moon Child Botanicals

Regular price $15.00

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only 1 left in stock


- can help support healthy liver function

- can help improve immune system

- can aid kidney function

- can help build and purify the blood

Dosage:  Take 15-30 drops 1-4 times a day. Can be taken orally or in water. 

Ingredients: Dandelion root and high proof vodka



 I am not a medical professional and Moon Child Botanicals products are not reviewed by the FDA. I do not make any claims, promises, or about the health benefits of any products. All statements are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent disease. We only offer our opinions and resources based on research, product testing, and customer reviews. These products are intended to support well-being and overall awesomeness. Use at your own risk. I am not responsible for accidents, misuse, or adverse reactions. Everybody reacts differently to plant-medicines and caution should be taken at all times. Always seek advice from a medical professional or primary care physician.

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