Tub Teas - Beaver Creek Honey

Tub Teas - Beaver Creek Honey

Regular price $8.00

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Tub tea! Tub tea is just like bath salts or a bath soak but contains loose, dried herbs, salt, essential oils and tea. Because loose herbs can be quite messy in a bathtub (and wreak havoc on your poor bathroom drain), we include a little sachet bag that allows the tea to “steep” in your tub. Many of the herbs were harvested on our farm by hand. The extra ingredient is our crystallized raw honey that we make with our 'secret' process! Each tub tea is hand-made and measured to order!

CAUTION: For external use only. Avoid direct contact with eyes or mouth. Discontinue use if skin becomes irritated or inflamed. Please keep out of reach of children and pets.
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