Pristine Oil - Everlasting Candle Co

Pristine Oil - Everlasting Candle Co

Regular price $16.00

Unit price per 

only 2 left in stock

This item is also sold as a set (search Everlasting Candle Co) and the current item is one part of what you will need. Mix and match once you get started

Pristine Oil® is an odourless, smokeless and clean burning mineral oil to be used exclusively with the Everlasting Candle. Each bottle provides 50 hours of candlelight ambience.

We understand how important it is to know the products you're burning in your home are clean, smoke free and don't produce soot, which is why Everlasting Candle exclusively uses clean burning Pristine Oil®, with each bottle providing 50 hours of candlelight ambience.

Light your candle, relax and enjoy the beautiful ambience with peace of mind knowing you're having the unforgettable wellness experience you deserve.

How do I use my Everlasting Candle?
-Add Pristine Oil™ to your vase
-Hold the tops of your candlesticks in Pristine Oil™
-Turn over and light

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